
Cyprus is characterized by a laid-back atmosphere, while relaxation and quality family time are definitely a priority among the residents of Cyprus.

Living the island life, thus being able to unwind by the sea at all times, reaps numerous benefits for your physical health and psychological well being. When you live in Cyprus, you can easily and swiftly find yourself at the beach from anywhere. Located in the Mediterranean Sea, the island offers translucent water accompanied by endless miles of golden sand and the most gorgeous sunsets, exactly like the postcard and calendar pictures you’ve been daydreaming for years now! Admittedly, the experience of what the island has to offer will most certainly take your breath away. No wonder that one of the top benefits of living in Cyprus is the easy access to drool-worthy scenery. The island boasts blue flag beaches while the sunny, almost all-year round, weather enables you to swim in these amazing and picturesque beaches for at least 9 months per year, since there are 300-340 days of sunshine a year! Like most islands, Cyprus is characterized by a laid-back atmosphere while relaxation and quality family time are definitely a priority among the residents of Cyprus, usually combined with fun beach activities and adventurous water sports.

No one can deny that islanders always look happier, calmer, and healthier! This, of course, is not coincidental as, according to research, living by the sea improves remarkably your health and overall wellness, promoting a healthy lifestyle with lower stress levels. Even if you don’t really like swimming but prefer to simply walk by the sea, the iodine, salt, and magnesium you breathe bring relaxation, reduce tension, and, most importantly, guarantee a good night’s sleep!


Simultaneously, the sun keeps your energy levels up. This is largely because sea air improves respiratory health. At the same time, it helps with several other health issues such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies that reduce your oxygen and can make you feel tired easily. Breathing sea air also assists calcium absorption, hence, protects and strengthens your bones. What’s more, the magnesium in seawater makes wonders to your skin as it increases hydration and elasticity.  Generally, the overall boost of your immune system and body’s natural defenses entails so many advantages; it even lowers the risk of certain types of cancer.

Have you ever used the so called “sleep apps” that help you relax and fight insomnia? One of the most popular sounds, known as “white noises”, in such apps, is that of the ocean or waves crashing onto the sand. This is because this sound is considered as tremendously calming, even meditative. As extensive research has revealed, this sound stimulates the brain into experiencing a feeling of well-being, serenity, and calmness. Furthermore, it cleanses your mind, rinsing it of negative thoughts.

When you swim in saltwater, healing generally becomes faster and blood circulation is significantly improved. There are many people who live in Cyprus that actually don’t stop swimming during the winter months since the weather does not get extremely cold or rainy. Swimming during wintertime is actually more beneficial for your health, due to the fact that the cold water stimulates endorphin release, which is known as a “feel good hormone”. Libido is also enhanced with cold water swimming while more calories are burned as the heart pumps faster in cold temperature. Nonetheless, swimming in any water temperature is immensely beneficial. Likewise, being engaged in water sports such as surfing, beach volleyball, and jogging or walking on the sand are excellent types of physical activity and the effects are numerous. Just to name a few: obesity is prevented, the immune system is boosted, heart health is assisted while cholesterol levels and blood pressure are reduced. So, living by the sea encourages an active lifestyle and a happy routine, filled with sunshine and the smell of salt air!


Effectively, living on an island makes you want to spend most of your time outside, savoring the sunny weather and the beautiful scenery. Notably, spending time in sunlight increases vitamin D production. As a result of this, arthritis is prevented or reduced, muscles become stronger and, overall, health is restored. Also, adequate vitamin D levels boost your mood and improve your metabolism, helping you to be in both a good shape and mood.

Cyprus is the optimum choice if you want to enjoy all the perks that the island life has to offer. It has amazing blue flagged beaches and the most scenic sunsets. Whether you are looking for long walks within a dreamy scenery or the most exciting water sports, the advantages for your health are substantial. Have you booked your tickets yet?

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